god. grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change. courage to change the things i can. and wisdom to know the difference. amen.

An Unexpected Visitor

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Yesterday, after closing in on the days work and preparing to go home, my phone rings. The dispay shows me an unfamiliar number and with the same reluctant curiousity, I answer it, curious as to whom it could be. It turns out, an old friend of mine that I have known over ten years that came into the program about over a year ago and relapsed has come up here to Kerrville, has about a week and a half sober and is thinking about moving up here.
I got to hang out with him last night for a good deal of time when I didn't think I was going to be able to because my meeting was cancelled, and arguably had the best day I have had for a very long time. We talked some in a comical manner of our combined past times to our mutual friends in Kerrville of our high school moments in College Station together, played guitar, and spoke little of the true tragedies that brought us together here in Kerrville together. While he looked jovial in outside, I saw a wrecked shit floating in his eyes, and as he drove me home later that night, we spoke of the gravity and reality of our lives.
A weird sensation swept over me at that moment. I saw a dichotomy of my past and my present. I've known my friend in his alcoholism and through that, I could see myself. I saw who I was and who I am now, and I realized through all the thick and thin the necessity to never forget that who I was and who I am are exactly the same person just looking at the world through a different shade of glasses.
I asked my friend to move up to Kerrville. I told him there was an opening in my house, and I'd help him get set up, which I really could, but I don't know if he's ready for it. Let's wait an see.

1 Responses to “An Unexpected Visitor”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hey Bro!
    Just logged on to Myspace for the first time in months and saw a bunch of deleted messages and comments. When I saw that your pic was gone I put two and two together. I've been reading this for a while already and have found it quite readable and frightening. I wish I could be more available or closer so that we could talk about this more, but I won't be home for a bit longer. I will be in CS some time between December 23rd and the 31st, but nothings set in stone yet. Keep up the writing and the journey. You're a strong man.
    Miss you,

    PS - I started writing a story based around Rola's Revolution. When it's done I'll send it your way.

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  • I'm Sketch
  • From Kerrville, Texas, United States
  • there is a truth that must be shared. through my eyes, the eyes of the alcoholic, the addict, there is a truth that is ugly, but beautiful at the same time. while most people do not like to look at it, it is all in the glory of God. i have been fighting this disease for years, along with bipolar disorder and schizo affective disorder, and by the grace of god, i have been sober since 08.07.06. this is my truth, my journey. it is something beautiful beyond the tragedy. some might wonder why i am not sad and it is because i have found the beauty in the morning after.
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